Sunday, February 10, 2008

I've got an idea...lets eavesdrop!

So I came across this site called "Overheard in New York" and the concept is fairly simple...people overhear people saying retarded things, and then send them in to the site and they post them using blantant stereotypes to describe the stranger. It's basically a documentation of peoples stupidity. Sadly, I spent a good hour reading it...and here are some of my favorites...

Black guy: Excuse me, brotha, may I borrow your phone for two minutes?
Old man: Sure.
Black guy, on phone: Wassup, baby? I'm on the line for the liquor store right now... What the fuck you mean 'What line'? The line to get into the fuckin' liquor store! ... I said, the fuckin' line fo' the fuckin' liquor store! You fuckin' retarded? I said the fuckin'-- Oh, okay. [Hangs up, handing the phone back] She already got the liquor!

Queer boy: So last night, me and my friend were being all catty and talking about our friend who got a really good job... I was really jealous and pissed, but then I realized -- she may have an awesome job, but she's never been to Disney World. Then I felt better about the whole situation.

Teen girl #1: Where did the stereotype that blondes are dumb come from?
Teen girl #2: Poland.

Woman on cell in bathroom stall: Well, shit, I wouldn't had his baby if I'd known he was on drugs! Hang on... No, I'm in da bafroom. Da bafroom! Ok, later.

Woman #1: I know he be my baby's daddy.
Woman #2: Yeah? How?
Woman #1: They be lookin' the same. He got no teeth and my baby ain't got no teeth eitha'.

Dude: ... So I'm, like, sitting there and she just keeps staring at me! So you know what I did? I threw my pizza crust at her forehead... And she started to bleed! I mean, that was some hard pizza crust, man! And you know what did said? Nothing! She just kept staring!

Drunk sunbather: Have I told you I hate kites? I just hate them. They make me want to vomit. Also, I don't like adjectives, so don't call this a 'tasty sandwich.'

Mother to toddler: Baby, don't cough like that. People are going to think you have TB, and then no one will want to be your friend! [To friend] I probably shouldn't tell her that, should I?
Friend: Probably not. You're going to give her a complex.
Mother: Shit.

One final note: Hellga is totally DOPE!

1 comment:

Mathew John said...

When I go to bed i sometimes read overheard before doing so then I laugh in my dreams.