Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm a horrible, horrible blogger.

I realized that I’ve become completely pathetic when it comes to actually posting, but the truth is, life is just too tiring. I know what you’re thinking, "excuses Nicole, you're full of fucking excuses" - well, yes, this might be true, but I really am exhausted all the time. Ask my friends. I never go out anymore because I have the bed time of an 85 year old woman. If I'm not in bed by my regular time, I can usually be found sitting on my couch, bobbing my head lazily, and often times falling asleep sitting up. It’s really quite pathetic.

So I'll bet you're super curious as to what else is going on in my life?

Ya, i knew it...

Not to burst all your hopes and dreams, but if I’m not sleeping or working I can generally be found sitting on my couch watching 30 rock. Or bitching about working full time and life. I really like to bitch about life. The odd time i'll go outside, but I usually prefer to stay indoors. The sun and heat can become really overwhelming.

But I’ve decided that it’s finally time for me to stop being so lame! I’m going to start doing things! And I figure when I actually leave my house and engage in normal social activities, I’ll begin to have things to write about again! And that means more blogs! So if I’ve not already lost my entire readership, I’m here to let you know that I’m back, and I promise that I will do my very best to marginally entertain you on a semi-regular basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I demand to be entertained more than on a "semi-regular" basis.