Aren’t you excited?!* Here’s my “25 random things you might not know (an probably don’t care) about me list”!
*(You don’t actually have to be excited. I’m not really that excited about it. But here it is anyhow. Plus, because of my underemployment I have no funny adventures to speak of, so this will have to fill the void…)
1. I absolutely love Mandy Moore. I own almost every single movie she’s in and I can pretty much quote all of them by heart. It’s pathetic really, and I’m not really sure why I’m so infatuated with her. I think it’s because she’s tall.
2. I use to despise being so tall but now I’ve just learnt to embrace it. I actually think it’s one of my defining characteristics. “HI! I’m Nicole, and I’m tall!”
3. I wear Britney Spears perfume. I love smelling like a twat-exposing, awesome music making tainwreck. (I guess also, 3.5 would be that I really, really like Britney's music.)
4. I’m way too sensitive for my own good. I’ve been known to cry during commercials and Disney movies.
5. I’ve always wanted glasses but sadly I have the most acute vision ever. Like I’m talking shoe-in-entry-to-the-airforce quality vision.
6. I still don’t know my multiplications tables by heart. This embarrasses me more then it probably should.
7. I love the thought of being in love.
8. I have no clue what I want to do/be in life. Mostly, I just want to be happy.
9. I love hanging out with my family. They’re an insanely fun bunch of people.
10. I was popular once in my life. It was in grade 6.
11. I really want to go on the Real World. I'm curious as to which one of the archetypal characters I'd be.
12. I got in a fight once in grade 8. I beat up a boy who was in a grade below me, and who was also smaller than me. The next day his biker gang mom chased me down and threatened to kill me (literally). I said sorry but I have no remorse. Her kid was an asshat.
13. I try to avoid talking about my parents with people I don’t know so they never have the opportunity to ask me about where they are now.
14. I feel sorry for ugly babies and their parents. Mostly because they’re constantly being lied to… “ohhh, what a cute baby!”
15. I actually really enjoyed high school even though I was, by definition, unpopular.
16. I regret ever quitting piano lessons.
17. I lived in the same house for the first 19 years of my life. Leaving it was heartbreaking. Sometimes when I drive past it I’ll sit out in front of it and stare in to try and catch a glimpse of what it looks like now. It’s seriously creepy.
18. When I was a kid I was certain I was going to have 2 kids and name them Austin and Kerry.
19. I’ve recently discovered my love for avocadoes.
20. I tried being a vegetarian once after seeing this really horrific peta video. Unfortunately it only lasted a few weeks. Though, I still don’t eat veal.
21. I judge people I don't know more than I think is ordinary or healthy. I can’t stop though.
22. I lose a retarded amount of hair. When I’m in the shower I have to stick it to the wall to ensure it doesn’t clog the drain. I’m certain I could make at least 10 toupees a year with my rejected strands. Sometimes I wonder how I’m not bald.
23. I want/need a full time job desperately. Not only for the money, but to keep me from wasting away on my couch.
24. I've never seen a single Star Wars or Indiana Jones film. I know it's weird. I'm going to watch Star Wars soon though, I promise!
25. Getting blog comments makes me the happiest girl in the whole world!