Thursday, November 1, 2007

It’s kind of like walking out a door and discovering it’s a window.

I don’t know if I could be any more irate than I am right now. I’m on the verge of throwing a tantrum much like a 4 year old would do, and I’d ensure to use phrases like “I hate you,” “you’re mean” and “but WHYYYY.” I would look just absurd. A six foot tall girl flailed out on the ground, pounding her fists and wailing in a generalized directions.


Anyways, back to why this all began. So for a split second I left the Bright eyes show last night satisfied, completely satisfied, you could even say I was remotely happy, but just remotely, lets not get ahead of ourselves. But now the feelings have just turned back into disappointment, where they should be I guess.

Here’s the story. I was just sitting here at work, bored, and I decided to check out what the setlist was like in Edmonton, ya know, just for curiosity sake. So then I come across this livejournal message board thing where this girl talks about how amazing the Edmonton show was, and then she gives the setlist, which was ten fucking times better than ours. He played 5 songs off lifted!!! 5!!! And he played a good song off fevers and mirrors. The best part though, was that he only played one song off the new album…ONE…ONE…and it was the one good song on the album. God. I should’ve have gone!! But noooo, I had to work, and study. Life stinks. But to top it all off, apparently he went to the den after the show, it was probably really really late, but still, people got pictures with him! My god. Even if he was a total and complete fucking douch, I would have just died to have been able watch his inebriated fucking ass stumble about with a pitcher of beer and be a prick to everyone. Or maybe he wasn’t a prick, and he was incredibly charming, and I fucking missed that too. Fucking hell. Nothing shows anger more than a lot of ‘fucks’ embedded into a sentence. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. There. I’m angry. I guess I should probably just get over it, because I coulda, woulda, shouldas are so last year.

There. I’m over it. Don’t even worry.

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