Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Congrats on the nuptials

So you all probably know by now that I have a serious girl crush on Mandy Moore. Don’t ask me why, because I can give you no definitive answer. I just think she’s awesome. So it came to my attention while reading Jezebel the other day that she got married! And to whom you’re wondering?


Man! She’s just the luckiest bitch in the whole world! I’ll bet he sings her his pretty acoustic version of Wonderwall all the time.


Where’s my Ryan Adams?

As a sidenote. I LOVE that she's taller than him. Even with flats on!


jer said...

Looks like I can make the comment after all...you're listening to your readership. We appreciate it.


Jeff said...

The picture you posted of them is NOT very flattering to him. Poor Ryan Adams. Also, from this entry, i can't tell which of them you're more jealous of, Mandy Moore or Ryan Adams.

Anonymous said...

I have a Mandy crush too.

This marriage has made me like Ryan Adams less.